Liquidity Position Fee

Retrieve the current fee for creating or adding to a liquidity position.

The following code demonstrates how to retrieve the fee for minting a new liquidity position or adding to an existing position, with the fees expressed in HBAR, using a combination of JSON-RPC and REST API calls.

The mintFee() function will return the current fee expressed in Tinycent (US).

No gas cost


import * as ethers from 'ethers'; //V6

//Set one of Hedera's JSON RPC Relay as the provider
const provider = new ethers.JsonRpcProvider(hederaJsonRelayUrl, '', {
  batchMaxCount: 1, //workaround for V6

//load ABI data containing Factory's mintFee() function
const interfaces = new ethers.Interface(abi);

//get pool creation fee in tinycent
const factoryContract = new ethers.Contract(factoryV2EvmAddress, interfaces.fragments, provider);
const result = await factoryContract.mintFee();
const tinycent = Number(result); //amount in tinycent (US)

//get the current exchange rate via REST API
const url = `${mirrorNodeBaseUrl}/api/v1/network/exchangerate`;
const response = await axios.get(url);
const currentRate =;
const centEquivalent = Number(currentRate.cent_equivalent);
const hbarEquivalent = Number(currentRate.hbar_equivalent);
const centToHbarRatio = centEquivalent/hbarEquivalent;

//calculate the fee in terms of HBAR
const tinybar = BigNumber(tinycent / centToHbarRatio).decimalPlaces(0);
const poolCreateFeeInHbar = Hbar.from(tinybar, HbarUnit.Tinybar);
console.log(`New liquidity position fee: ${poolCreateFeeInHbar.toString(HbarUnit.Hbar)}`);

Last updated