

A method of distributing tokens, usually free of charge, to a large number of wallet addresses.


Annual Percentage Rate; the annual rate of return on an investment.


The practice of buying and selling assets to profit from price differences.


Security review of smart contracts to ensure they operate as intended.


A mechanism that allows for the transfer of tokens or data between different blockchains.


Centralized Exchange; a platform where a central entity facilitates cryptocurrency trades.


Centralized Finance; traditional financial systems.

Concentrated Liquidity

Allows liquidity providers to set price ranges for their assets, optimizing capital efficiency.


Decentralized Autonomous Organization; a governance model that allows token holders to vote on proposals.


Decentralized Exchange; SaucerSwap and Uniswap are examples.


Decentralized Finance; a financial system built on blockchain technology, removing the need for traditional financial intermediaries.


The rate at which new tokens are created and distributed in a cryptocurrency.


Ethereum Virtual Machine; a runtime environment for executing smart contracts. Hedera is compatible with the EVM, allowing for migration of Ethereum-based contracts.

Fees APR

The annual rate of return earned from trading fees.


A codebase derivative; SaucerSwap V1 is a modified fork of Uniswap V2.


A cost incurred for processing a transaction on a blockchain network. On Hedera, these fees are low and denominated in U.S. dollars.


Hedera's native cryptocurrency used for transaction fees and staking.


An HBAR liquid staking token deployed by Stader Labs.


An enterprise-grade public ledger network that aims to be fast and secure, underpinning the SaucerSwap protocol.


Hedera Token Service; enables the creation and management of tokens on the Hedera network.

Impermanent Loss

Temporary loss of funds when providing liquidity due to price fluctuations.


The official alien mascot of SaucerSwap.


The amount of assets held in a liquidity pool to facilitate trading.

Liquidity Mining / Yield Farming

Earning additional tokens (SAUCE and HBAR) by staking liquidity tokens in the Masterchef smart contract.

Liquidity Pool

A smart contract that holds funds to enable trading on an AMM.


The primary public blockchain where a cryptocurrency operates.

Mirror Node

Nodes on the Hedera network that store historical data.

Price Impact

The difference in market price caused by a trade.

Reward APR

The annual rate of return earned from yield farming or LARI.


The native token of SaucerSwap, used for governance, liquidity, and staking.

SaucerSwap DAO

The decentralized autonomous organization governing SaucerSwap, where SAUCE tokens represent voting power.

SaucerSwap Interface

A user interface for interacting with the SaucerSwap protocol.

SaucerSwap Labs

The core development team behind the SaucerSwap protocol and interface.

SaucerSwap Protocol

A suite of Hedera-native smart contracts that implement an AMM, along with features like yield farming and single-sided staking.

Single-Sided Staking

A staking mechanism that allows users to stake a single type of asset, rather than a pair, to earn rewards. This feature is available in SaucerSwap and offers a more straightforward way to participate in staking.


The difference between the expected price of a trade and the executed price.

Slippage Tolerance

The maximum allowable price movement for a trade to go through.

Smart Contract

Self-executing contracts with the terms directly written into code.


A cryptocurrency designed to maintain a stable value, often pegged to a fiat currency.


Participation in a blockchain or protocol to validate transactions or secure liquidity, in exchange for rewards.


A test blockchain used to test applications.


A digital asset that represents ownership or value within a blockchain ecosystem.


The economic model surrounding a token, detailing its distribution, utility, and how it interacts within the ecosystem.


Total Value Locked; the total amount of assets staked or locked in a DeFi protocol.


The statistical measure of the dispersion of asset prices.


A digital tool that allows users to interact with a blockchain.

Last updated