Create Hedera Wallet


HashPack is the leading wallet on the Hedera network and serves as an official partner to SaucerSwap. For detailed, step-by-step instructions on setting up your HashPack wallet, visit How to Create Your First Account with HashPack.


Wallypto, created by LG Electronics, Inc., is a non-custodial mobile wallet designed for managing both fungible and non-fungible HTS tokens on the Hedera network. The wallet is accessible on both iOS and Android platforms. For detailed, step-by-step instructions on setting up your Wallypto wallet, visit their User Guides.


MetaMask is the most widely-used wallet, allowing users to store ERC-20 tokens on Ethereum-based blockchains, as well as HTS tokens on the Hedera network. For detailed, step-by-step instructions on setting up your MetaMask wallet, visit Getting started with MetaMask.


When first connecting your MetaMask account to Hedera, you will need to add a JSON-RPC relay to enable communication between MetaMask and Hedera.

You have two options for this:

  1. Use ChainList to effortlessly add the Hashio RPC, which is maintained by Swirlds Labs.

  2. Manually input the required information for the JSON-RPC relay.

Either way, this step is crucial for interaction between MetaMask and Hedera.

Last updated