import * as ethers from 'ethers'; //V6
//Set one of Hedera's JSON RPC Relay as the provider
const provider = new ethers.JsonRpcProvider(hederaJsonRelayUrl, '', {
batchMaxCount: 1, //workaround for V6
const interfaces = new ethers.Interface([
'function sauceForxSauce(uint256 _sauceAmount) external view returns (uint256 xSauceAmount_)'
const mothershipContract = new ethers.Contract(mothershipEvmAddress, interfaces.fragments, provider);
const result = await mothershipContract.sauceForxSauce(sauceAmountTiny);
const xSauceAmount = result[0]; //uint256 xSauceAmount_ - in token's smallest unit
Stake SAUCE Tokens for xSAUCE
Stake any amount of SAUCE tokens in exchange for xSAUCE tokens.
Function name: enter
⛽ Recommended gas: 100,000 gwei (~ $0.009 USD)
Parameter Name
uint256 _amount
The amount of SAUCE to stake in its smallest unit
Solidity Function Body
function enter(uint256 _amount) external {
uint256 totalSauce = IERC20(sauce).balanceOf(address(this));
uint256 totalShares = IERC20(xSauce).totalSupply();
safeTransferToken(sauce, msg.sender, address(this), _amount);
if (totalShares == 0 || totalSauce == 0) {
safeMintToken(xSauce, _amount, new bytes[](0));
safeTransferToken(xSauce, address(this), msg.sender, _amount);
// Calculate and mint the amount of xSAUCE the SAUCE is worth. The ratio will change overtime, as xSAUCE is burned/minted and SAUCE deposited + gained from fees / withdrawn.
else {
uint256 what = _amount * (totalShares) / (totalSauce);
safeMintToken(xSauce, what, new bytes[](0));
safeTransferToken(xSauce, address(this), msg.sender, what);
A spender allowance for the Mothership contract is required for the SAUCE token.
Ensure that the client has the xSAUCE token ID associated beforehand.
To calculate the amount of xSAUCE tokens a user will receive from a given SAUCE amount, use thesauceForXSauce() Solidity function in MotherShip.sol. Alternatively calculate the amount using the current SAUCE/xSAUCE ratio value.
To calculate the amount of SAUCE tokens a user will receive from a given xSAUCE amount, use the xSauceForSauce() Solidity function in MotherShip.sol. Alternatively calculate the output amount using the current SAUCE/xSAUCE ratio value.
Ensure that the client has the SAUCE token ID associated beforehand.