Check if a Pool Exists
Check if the liquidity pool for a pair of HTS tokens exists on-chain.
When adding a new or existing liquidity pool, the initial step is typically to verify if the liquidity pool already exists before determining the next course of action. The factory contract provides a method to retrieve the pool address, if it exists, as shown below.
Checking if the liquidity pool exists using SaucerSwap's REST API is also a suitable alternative. For more information, see Get V1 liquidity pools
Get the Existing Liquidity Pool if it Exists
⛽ No gas cost
Get the existing liquidity pool's CREATE2 EVM address if it exists. If the pool does not exist on-chain, a zero address will be returned.
Function name: getPair
address tokenA
EVM address of the first token
address tokenB
EVM address of the second token
When working with HBAR, use the wrapped HBAR token ID (WHBAR) for either tokenA or tokenB.
The ordering of tokens for tokenA and tokenB does not matter.
Code Overview
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