Pools and Positions (V2)
REST APIs for SaucerSwap V2 pools and positions
Access the SaucerSwap API using the following base URLs for testnet and mainnet environments:
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Last updated
REST APIs for SaucerSwap V2 pools and positions
Access the SaucerSwap API using the following base URLs for testnet and mainnet environments:
Not supported
Last updated
Hedera account id
Successful response
NFT serial number representing user's position
Hedera account id
True if this position was deleted otherwise false
Unix timestamp when this position was created
Unix timestamp when this position was updated
Swap fee tier denoted in basis points
Upper end of the position's price range
Lower end of the position's price range
The amount of liquidity provided by the position
Accumulated fee growth for token0 inside the tick range since the last time liquidity was added or removed
Accumulated fee growth for token1 inside the tick range since the last time liquidity was added or removed
Total amount of token0 owed to the position due to fees generated from swaps within the position's price range
Total amount of token1 owed to the position due to fees generated from swaps within the position's price range
Successful response
Total amount for token A
Total amount for token B
Swap fee tier for the pool, denoted in basis points
Encoded square root of price ratio between tokens in the pool as a Q64.96 number
Current active tick index, representing a specific price point in the pool
Total liquidity for the pool
Successful response
Total amount for token A
Total amount for token B
Swap fee tier for the pool, denoted in basis points
Encoded square root of price ratio between tokens in the pool as a Q64.96 number
Current active tick index, representing a specific price point in the pool
Total liquidity for the pool
Successful response
Total amount for token A
Total amount for token B
Swap fee tier for the pool, denoted in basis points
Encoded square root of price ratio between tokens in the pool as a Q64.96 number
Current active tick index, representing a specific price point in the pool
Total liquidity for the pool