Pools and Positions (V2)
REST APIs for SaucerSwap V2 pools and positions
Last updated
REST APIs for SaucerSwap V2 pools and positions
Last updated
Access the SaucerSwap API using the following base URLs for testnet and mainnet environments:
Not supported
Hedera account id
curl -L \
--url '/v2/nfts/{accountId}/positions'
"tokenSN": 160,
"accountId": "0.0.12345",
"deleted": false,
"createdAt": "1697779560.762467685",
"updatedAt": "1698287867.747005303",
"token0": {
"decimals": 8,
"icon": "/images/tokens/hbar.png",
"id": "0.0.59042",
"name": "WHBAR [new]",
"price": "100000000",
"priceUsd": 0.0598982,
"symbol": "HBAR",
"dueDiligenceComplete": true,
"isFeeOnTransferToken": false,
"description": "Hedera is a public, open source, proof-of-stake network, with native cryptocurrency HBAR...",
"website": "https://hedera.com/",
"twitterHandle": "hedera",
"timestampSecondsLastListingChange": 0
"token1": {
"decimals": 6,
"icon": "/images/tokens/sauce.png",
"id": "0.0.61266",
"name": "SAUCE",
"price": "24609831",
"priceUsd": 0.0147408436767304,
"symbol": "SAUCE",
"dueDiligenceComplete": true,
"isFeeOnTransferToken": false,
"description": "SaucerSwap is an open source and non-custodial AMM protocol native to Hedera...",
"website": "https://www.saucerswap.finance/",
"twitterHandle": "SaucerSwapLabs",
"timestampSecondsLastListingChange": 1
"fee": 3000,
"tickUpper": -1620,
"tickLower": -2820,
"liquidity": "3249809842",
"feeGrowthInside0LastX128": "2546890053379859378523505791149585",
"feeGrowthInside1LastX128": "1232345435623984092384092380932840",
"tokensOwed0": "10",
"tokensOwed1": "20"
Successful response
curl -L \
--url '/v2/pools/{poolId}'
"id": 1,
"contractId": "0.0.3948521",
"tokenA": {
"decimals": 6,
"icon": "/images/tokens/usdc.png",
"id": "0.0.456858",
"name": "USD Coin",
"price": "1678944894",
"priceUsd": 1.00375771,
"symbol": "USDC",
"dueDiligenceComplete": true,
"isFeeOnTransferToken": false,
"description": "USDC is a fully collateralized U.S. dollar stablecoin. USDC is the bridge between dollars and trading on cryptocurrency exchanges...",
"website": "https://www.circle.com/en/usdc-multichain/hedera",
"twitterHandle": "circle",
"timestampSecondsLastListingChange": 0
"tokenB": {
"decimals": 6,
"icon": "/images/tokens/usdc.png",
"id": "0.0.1055459",
"name": "USD Coin",
"price": "1681384187",
"priceUsd": 1.00521604,
"symbol": "USDC[hts]",
"dueDiligenceComplete": true,
"isFeeOnTransferToken": false,
"description": "USDC is a fully collateralized U.S. dollar stablecoin...",
"website": "https://www.circle.com/en/usdc-multichain/ethereum",
"twitterHandle": "circle",
"timestampSecondsLastListingChange": 0
"amountA": "6313040",
"amountB": "6313042",
"fee": 500,
"sqrtRatioX96": "79228162514992909706099547250",
"tickCurrent": 0,
"liquidity": "10878982596"
Successful response
curl -L \
--url '/v2/pools/full'
"id": 1,
"contractId": "0.0.3948521",
"tokenA": {
"decimals": 6,
"icon": "/images/tokens/usdc.png",
"id": "0.0.456858",
"name": "USD Coin",
"price": "1678944894",
"priceUsd": 1.00375771,
"symbol": "USDC",
"dueDiligenceComplete": true,
"isFeeOnTransferToken": false,
"description": "USDC is a fully collateralized U.S. dollar stablecoin. USDC is the bridge between dollars and trading on cryptocurrency exchanges...",
"website": "https://www.circle.com/en/usdc-multichain/hedera",
"twitterHandle": "circle",
"timestampSecondsLastListingChange": 0
"tokenB": {
"decimals": 6,
"icon": "/images/tokens/usdc.png",
"id": "0.0.1055459",
"name": "USD Coin",
"price": "1681384187",
"priceUsd": 1.00521604,
"symbol": "USDC[hts]",
"dueDiligenceComplete": true,
"isFeeOnTransferToken": false,
"description": "USDC is a fully collateralized U.S. dollar stablecoin...",
"website": "https://www.circle.com/en/usdc-multichain/ethereum",
"twitterHandle": "circle",
"timestampSecondsLastListingChange": 0
"amountA": "6313040",
"amountB": "6313042",
"fee": 500,
"sqrtRatioX96": "79228162514992909706099547250",
"tickCurrent": 0,
"liquidity": "10878982596"
Successful response
curl -L \
--url '/v2/pools'
"id": 1,
"contractId": "0.0.3948521",
"tokenA": {
"decimals": 6,
"icon": "/images/tokens/usdc.png",
"id": "0.0.456858",
"name": "USD Coin",
"price": "1678944894",
"priceUsd": 1.00375771,
"symbol": "USDC",
"dueDiligenceComplete": true,
"isFeeOnTransferToken": false
"tokenB": {
"decimals": 6,
"icon": "/images/tokens/usdc.png",
"id": "0.0.1055459",
"name": "USD Coin",
"price": "1681384187",
"priceUsd": 1.00521604,
"symbol": "USDC[hts]",
"dueDiligenceComplete": true,
"isFeeOnTransferToken": false
"amountA": "6313040",
"amountB": "6313042",
"fee": 500,
"sqrtRatioX96": "79228162514992909706099547250",
"tickCurrent": 0,
"liquidity": "10878982596"
Successful response